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Moving house…again.

October 6, 2010

Sorry I’m kinda bored of WordPress so I’m shifting to now. So follow me there, if you care.


August 27, 2010

When I’m down and out……

I jump to…


What is that to you?

August 22, 2010

Very often we compare ourselves with other people and wonder, “what about those people who are doing that?” or “those people didn’t go for mission trips either!”

Or sometimes we just have certain questions which are in a sense unrelated to us for example “Do people who never had the opportunity to hear about the gospel go to heaven or hell?”

Well just a small reminder to us all that in John 21:20, as Jesus was explaining to Peter what was to become of him (especially in regards to Peter’s upcoming death), Peter saw John and asked Jesus, “What about him?”

Jesus reply was direct and simple. “If I were to have him remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You follow me!”

So yea lets stop concerning ourselves with things which are ‘none of our business’ and just FOLLOW Jesus!


August 21, 2010

This is in response to a photo that was shown on the church powerpoint screen very recently. It is highly possible that this photo is circulated in Facebook as well.

Therefore I’m releasing an official statement to clarify:

He looks like me, dresses like me, but it isn’t me!

Haihz.  Con small kids meh.

Jhoni said he would try his best to ‘un-gay‘ it. But no amount of photo editing can ‘un-gay’ that!

As it turns out, Jhoni was the one who released that photo in the first place!!!

Oh joy!

August 18, 2010

So I was wearing pink today…..

Two scoops for the price of one! 🙂


August 16, 2010

Saturday Youth was awesome as always but it was only on Sunday that I finally managed to spend a full-day (well almost), having some fun leisure time.

Can’t really remember the last time I actually I had a day that I was free and wasn’t too tired or exhausted (or sick) to do anything else but rest.

Best of all, managed to spend alot of time with the friends I love and cherish.

Had lunch with those involved in youth worship and had a good talk with them later.

Hey remember that one of my three new year resolutions was to pick up a musical instrument? Well it has taken me sometime but I have finally started taking guitar lessons, from none other than Jhoni! Guitarist of Rubberband! (aiya can’t link Facebook)

emo/cool pic?

First thing’s first though. Boy band photoshoot!

Wow looks like the cover of some album. Haha. It was a candid shot btw.

I’m not THAT much of a poser.

I suppose you guys are curious as to what Zhou was up to that afternoon. Well he was playing with stuff and small girls. You know the usual. LOL!

And then there’s Pastor twittering away parables about ‘dogs’.

Well all I can say about my first lesson is FINGER PAIN WEI!!! I have a reasonably high tolerance towards pain but it still hurt!

Oh well, no pain no gain.

After a couple of hours we went out for bowling! Had a really fun time there! There were several times where I had to stop during my run-ups because I couldn’t control my laughter.

V.Cheng in action!


Rowan aka Dre aka Striker aka Winner aka Fouler! I’m pretty sure this one masuk longkang.

I will upload the pics of the others if/when I return to FB.

Tip: If you really suck at bowling, just choose the Christmas theme. You will literally receive presents in the form of free points.

Ended the night with a late dinner at US Pizza.

But now its back to the real world of work and study. Can’t wait for next weekend!

Can You Blame Me?

August 14, 2010

I know we’re supposed to love our enemies, but this is just TOO MUCH!!! Torres also kenot tahan.

But apparently even agrees with them. Haihz.

So yes EPL season begins tonight! Won’t be able to watch the big match of the weekend (Liverpool vs Arsenal) but my thoughts will be at Anfield for sure!

My Prediction: Liverpool 2 Arsenal 0 (Lucas brace!)

Remember you read it here first.

Anyway I finally finalised my Fantasy football team:

Subject to MASSIVE last-minute changes though.

All the best guys!!

Sorry I won’t be able to join the post-gameweek rants on Facebook =(

Twisted Logic

August 12, 2010

This post is more about what happened on Monday but it took me quite a while to consider this as a ‘thanksgiving’ post as you will later found out.

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been falling sick (fever, sore throat etc) quite frequently lately. Curiously its always the week I’m scheduled to lead worship (spiritual attacks? sin?). Anyway my mum, who being her usual overcautious self, asked some of the doctors in our church and they referred me to a specialist in Mahkota Hospital.

I spent the whole Monday morning in the hospital. Not that I’m complaining though. Sure beats going to office!

As I walked to the specialist’s clinic, I asked God for opportunities to share with someone – a patient, a nurse or even a doctor! All I could think of was that this hospital was a harvest field. In fact I almost totally forgot the reason why I was at the hospital in the first place. I honestly couldn’t care less about my own illness. I guess thats the peace and assurance that we have in Christ. What’s the worse that can happen really? Die and go heaven? Not too shabby.

Anyway I did manage to share a bit with my doctor. I told him that I was fasting because I was praying for our nation. He appeared confused and seemed to have no idea that Christians fasted too. I told him that it was completely voluntary and not out of some religious obligation. We want God to save our nation!

I kinda regret not pushing further in but hopefully seeds have been planted, and I’m pretty sure I’ll see him soon. Haha. Kinda reminds me of Kenneth and his car mechanic.

Shortly after that I had to take a blood test and wait 2 hours for the results. The nurse told me to go have lunch and come back but then I suddenly remembered that I was fasting lunch so I couldn’t do that. Then I told the nurse “Two hours eh? I think I’ll go watch a movie.” Then it just hit me that I was fasting movies too! So I decided to just sit down in the waiting room which had a TV. But about a minute later I realised I was fasting TV too!!!

Thankfully there is my iPhone! Hahaha. Managed to read over 150 pages of my e-book and browsed the net. SO WHO SAID I’LL WON’T MAKE GOOD USE OF AN IPHONE??!! Well myself and others. Oh btw, I just bought some new iPhone camera apps because I have a sudden interest in photography. Well not really professional photography, or semi-professional photography, or even amateur photography, but rather just wanting to capture special moments with special people for memory or this blog!

Some apps have pretty cool effects.

Accidental shot while queuing at ATM machine

Quite nice for emo photos. Haha.

Anyway I got back the blood test results after two hours and to my disappointment, there was nothing wrong with me. Welcome to the twisted logic of my brain.

You see I would actually be happy if the doctor says “Sorry son, you only have 1 year left” or something. Because then I will be able to drop everything and just go for missions etc. Its kinda like how the father in the movie Big Fish went and did all kinds of crazy things simply because he already knew when/how he was going to die.

Nobody would try stop me from doing what I want to do in my remaining time. No point working and saving up. I could just give it all away to the needy. It would be so easy.

But I guess that why God is not allowing this to happen to me. He wants me to give it all up while I still have ‘reasons’ for keeping it. He wants me to go against all odds to obey His will for my life.

I clearly still have alot of dying-to-self before I can say that I’m willing to go to the ends of the earth for Christ, just like those missionaries did.

But more urgently, God wants me to appreciate my own life and to learn to love myself.

So yes this post is categorised under  ‘Thanksgiving’ just to show appreciation to God because there is nothing wrong with me, physically. Mentally is different case =p

What Faith Can do

August 11, 2010

Love this song!

Leading bible study at YWA tonight and the topic is “True Faith Requires Action”.

What we do reveals what we believe. So if we have little or no faith in God, it just shows how little we know about the God we claim to love and serve. But does it mean that if we step out in faith everything will just go our way? Not necessarily.

Just read Hebrews 11:32-38.

32 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. 35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. 36 Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. 37 They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— 38 the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

So as you can see, faith led to some people having ‘positive’ outcomes e.g routing their enemies, conquering kingdoms and raising people from the dead, while others experienced more ‘negative’ outcomes e.g getting persecuted, stoned or SAWED IN TWO! Does it mean that the people who were sawed in two lacked faith? NO!

Verse 39-40 says, “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.”

Heard that guys??? God has planned something BETTER for people of faith than this world has to offer!

The outward appearance of success/failure does not reflect faith or lack of it.

So remain faithful guys!

Yours truly,

Pastor Yeah

Busy Busy Busy but…

August 9, 2010

Sorry for the long absence. Don’t worry I’ve inserted pics here to prove that I’m still alive.

See! I’m still alive and round well.

Hey remember the days when I had absolutely no life whatsoever and would just rot in the room all day? Well those days are long gone. Take Saturday for example:

7.30am – Woke up and had quiet time

8.30am – Breakfast with Mariel (finally!)

9.30am – Popped by church to help Pastor with his new toy (iPhone! haaha)

10.20am – Popped by Local Youth Prayer Gathering (LYPG) and met the faithful few there.

11.00am – Worship Practice (well as usual it only started abt 30 mins later)

I really want to play guitar! But then again who doesn’t?

2.00pm – Finished worship practice and had lunch with the band (well I couldn’t eat of course)

3.00pm – Visited Stephanie Goh’s family (who just lost her mum to cancer)

3.50pm – Helped Jhoni replenish stock at the International Friendship Connection (IFC) guest room.

4.15pm – Youth Fellowship!


7.30pm – Dinner with sis and the most-in-your-face girl you’ll ever meet, Priscilla!

Crashing Jhoni’s ’emo’ photoshoot!

8pm – Graduates Christian Fellowship meeting with guest speaker YB Hannah Yeoh!

I mentioned before that Hannah Yeoh is one of my inspirations and Priscilla was curious to know more about her and the politics in Malaysia. Really encouraging to see how even 13 year olds have these kinds of interests.

I’ve listened to several of Hannah Yeoh’s talks already and about 70% of the content is the same, but I still always get something out of it.

This whole week I’ve been pondering about the amazing background story of the song ‘God of This City‘ (please do click on that link if you have yet to hear about the story).

Long story short: The lyrics and music just came out of no where to this band Bluetree while they were singing praise and worship songs in a BROTHEL in Pattaya, Thailand. Thats right.

It has prompted a very strong urge for me to just go out and do something for God, and that night at GCF that urge was further enforced as Hannah Yeoh was sharing.

Someone once asked, “Hannah, where were you before the 2008 election?”

Hannah had to give it a serious thought and eventually came to the conclusion that her answer was sadly church.

To some Christians, it seems like a good thing to be so active and busy in church. But we are called to be the salt of the earth, not salt that is hiding in a cupboard.

As you can see from my schedule, I’m busy and active in church only.

Even though so many people told me they were blessed by Sunday’s worship, it saddens me that this is only within the church walls.

My heart yearns to go out and do something, but I’m still not sure what, when, or where.

I just have to keep on equipping myself and be faithful in what I have been entrusted with, until the time comes.